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iphone5s 發表於 2018-11-20 09:09




◎译  名 阿姆斯特丹恶棍
◎片  名 Amsterdam Heavy
◎年  代 2011
◎国  家 荷兰
◎语  言 英语
◎IMDb评分  2.8/10 from 737 users
◎IMDb链接  [url]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1740468/[/url]
◎豆瓣评分 3.3/10 from 24 users
◎豆瓣链接 [url]https://movie.douban.com/subject/7061183/[/url]
◎导  演 Michael Wright
◎主  演 艾丽森·卡洛尔 Alison Carroll

◎简  介

  A mysterious gangster goes on the rampage in Amsterdam, stopping at nothing to uncover those who have betrayed him. Now it is up to CIA Agent Martin Keele, to stop him.
  CIA Agent Martin Keele (Michael Madsen - Reservoir Dogs Kill Bill) sets the wheels spinning in this gritty urban action thriller, as mysterious gangster J.D. goes on the rampage in Amsterdam, stopping at nothing to uncover those who have betrayed him. J.D. is kidnapped by Thai hoods and drugged to make him spill information on Amsterdam crime boss Gunter. With a burning desire for retribution he escapes and smuggles himself back to his home city, arriving with nothing but his fists and a need to settle scores.





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